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Travelling Lantern Virtual Performance 7/12-7/19, 7/8/2020

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Last year, one of our most popular Summer Reading Program events was a play performed by the Traveling Lantern Company. This year, Traveling Lantern is offering a virtual performance at all three Summer Reading locations!
From their protected perch on Mount Olympus, the gods of ancient Greece spin their magic and subterfuge into fantastic landscapes while they conjure cunning exploits for the humans they choose to meddle with far below. Children become the mountains and the wind as they watch Icarus and Daedalus fly free on wax wings, help tell the story as they witness Ceyx and Alcyone’s love morph into fantasy so they can stay together for all time, and stave off evil with bravery and courage as Perseus battles the snake-headed Medusa and ultimately turns her into stone.
Due to restrictions related to the Coronavirus epidemic, this performance will be online. Participants can view the performance online at home at their convenience, or come to our regular meeting at 10:00 AM in Paisley or 2 PM in Christmas Valley, Tuesday, July 14th or at 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM on Thursday, July 16th, 2020 in the Lakeview Main Library Meeting Room to watch the video. If watching from home, be sure to pick up your Summer Reading To Go packet to get an access code to see the performance. For more information contact David Lev at 541-947-6019 or come to your local library!